Most of the book is composed of monster sections that have the following parts after a section’s title.
A monster’s habitat entry notes where the monster typically dwells. Lists of monsters organized by habitat appear in Monsters by Habitat.
A monster’s treasure entry specifies whether the monster hoards treasure and the type of treasure it prefers. These preferences are detailed as follows:
Any.The monster’s treasure hoard can include monetary treasure and any kinds of magic items.
Individual. The monster doesn’t have a treasure hoard, but it might keep monetary treasure.
Treasure Theme (Arcana, Armaments, Implements, or Relics). The monster’s treasure hoard features magic items with the noted theme. The Dungeon Master’s Guide details treasure hoards appropriate for each theme.
None. The monster doesn’t care about treasure. Any treasure the monster has is incidental.
Any treasure a monster has is in addition to equipment listed in the Gear entry of its stat block.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides more information on monster treasure.
After a monster’s introductory information come details that apply to the monster wherever it might be found in the multiverse. Customize these details however is appropriate to your adventures.
Some monsters alter the regions around their lairs. For such a monster, regional effects are detailed in a lair section. The monster’s stat block might also include ways in which the monster is more powerful while in its lair.
Each entry includes at least one stat block. Stat blocks are explored in the next section.